Kent County Road Commission


Articles in this issue:

  • Beaver Slide: How Geotextiles Made One Road Safer
  • Where the Wind Blows: How Standing Corn Rows Effectively Reduce Blowing, Drifting Snow
  • Shedding Light on MIRE Data
  • Fueling Your Fleet with Biodiesel
  • Little League, Local Agencies, and Life Lessons: Meet Matt MacDonell
  • Great Ideas—Where They Are Today——In Focus: Innovations that Increase Visibility During Snow Removal Operations
  • 2023 Photo Contest Winners!


  • One Bold Paint: A Look at HRCSA One-coat System
  • New Facilities, New Spaces, Unhindered Service
  • Serving Michigan’s Local Road-owning Agencies: The CTT’s Newest Staff
  • Technology “Woven” Into Asphalt: A Follow-up on a Michigan Fiber-reinforced Asphalt Paving Project


Articles in this Issue:

  • Making Road Work Safer
  • Mike TenBrock: Building Bridges and Relationships
  • Bringing Out the Power Tools: Mindfulness in the Workplace
  • Keep Calm...And Carry On...How to Handle Uncomfortable Customer Interaction and Provide a Good Level of Service
  • Tick Check! How to Identify Ticks and Prevent Lyme Disease

Also Inside:

  • Meet the CTT’s New Training Specialist
  • Motor Grader Training


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